This is something I wrote for my training in Washington D.C. It gives a very general overview of my spiritual journey throughout my life. I thought it would be good to start with this so you have an idea of where I am coming from.
Spiritual Journey
I was born and raised in the Catholic faith. I don’t remember being baptized, but my family kept gifts and cards from that special day. I remember my first communion going up for the body and blood and when I was offered the blood of Christ I had the eucharistic minister ask me, “Now what do you say?” and I said, “I don’t know” and she said, “You are suppose to say Amen.” “Oh, amen.” I had both my first communion and also my first confession while attending St. Francis De Sales elementary school. I have vivid images in my mind of both of these days. I was generally a “good” boy growing up, and I was told these sacraments were important so I did them without too much thought. The next big day was confirmation. I had my god-father, who is a close family friend, as my sponsor. I remember going through the necessary steps in order to be confirmed. I believed in God and proclaimed my faith to be important to me, but it was not alive within me. I was confirmed because I chose to be, but when you grow up being exposed to only Catholicism, with little or no experience of other faiths its not a very authentic experience. These are the monumental days that I remember growing up as a Catholic. In between these big events were the weekly masses we attended, giving up something for lent, being part of church activities, and the things you usually associate with a faithful family. Even though I had faith, I was going through the motions. I really hadn’t challenged my faith or made a strong personal relationship with Jesus. Many times during the week to week services I felt bored and didn’t see or feel the Gospel-Good News coming alive within me or our church community. I don’t think my heart was really open to God, and I felt very lukewarm with my faith and the faith I saw in our church.

I really started to ask questions and challenge things that I had previously believed in ignorance. The claim I had made throughout my life is that God is the most important part of my life. Well, I decided it was time to stop giving God lip service and started running towards him instead. This running towards him had to be done in truth and that forced me to start at the very beginning...Is there really a God? Is Christianity really true or do I just believe because of my environment? I had to start from square one and this was a very scary and vulnerable place to be. Admitting that I was asking such questions was difficult for me, but I believed it was essential if I really wanted a real and true experience of God. I started to dive into my preconceived notions of faith and really tear down walls I had built up throughout the years and start from a fresh new foundation that was based on truth in Jesus. I took this time to start reading the gospels, spiritual books, praying more, and even volunteering down in Peru. As I started to pursue God and make him the center of my life, he started to change my heart. In the past, God was someone I had a relationship with on Sunday’s, before I went to sleep in prayer, occasionally in thanksgiving for my blessings, and when I was in times of trouble or need. Now, God is turning into an ever present spirit within me. I started to see God in many different things, whether it was the beautiful Alaskan mountains, or the realization that even the most difficult student to work with is a brother or sister in Christ and was made in the image of God whether they knew it or not. God was slowly making me anew. The things I desired were starting to change, how I saw the world, what was important, and why I am here. God continued to challenge and shape me, and the more I received of Him the more I wanted. He was someone I took joy in. I never had such peace, joy, or love in all my life, and I knew he had forever changed me.
A few of the awesome kids I got to know during my trip to Peru! |
This last year, while I was working up in Alaska, had been a huge year of spiritual growth for me. I got myself involved in a small group from the church I was attending and it was such a fruitful time. I loved being intentional about getting together and worshiping God. We had such a great time together and our small group started to feel like a family in many ways. It’s such a blessing to be striving to get closer to God and have people hold you accountable in love. I started to meet Jeff, a guy from our small group, at six a.m. every Friday. He was a spiritual mentor for me. We would try and read through a certain amount of the bible every week, and then get together and talk about what we had read. We would talk about questions about the bible, any real life concerns or issues, intellectual questions and thoughts, and really shared our lives with each other on a deep level. I would also meet Chris from our small group for lunches, from time to time, and it was another great opportunity for spiritual growth. People from our small group did all sorts of things together like playing ping pong, disc golf, wiffle ball, hiking, and of course worshiping. It was such a joy for me to be a part of a spiritual community like the one I had in Alaska.
During much of the year in Alaska, I decided to start the Peace Corps process, because I thought that would be a possible opportunity for me in the future. I was looking for some other possibilities, because I was not sure how long I would be staying in Alaska. I didn’t know if I would have a job in the school the following year, so I felt it would be good to have some options. When the time came for me to make a decision and turn down the job in Alaska, I didn’t have anything for sure lined up for the coming year.
During the summer, as I continued to pray and seek God’s path for my life I really felt like the door to the Peace Corps was closing for me. I started to search out some other options and that is when I found the Franciscan Mission Service. I sat down and had breakfast with a Secular Franciscan who runs some schools and serves in a leper colony in Brazil. He was the one who introduced me to the Franciscan Mission Service. I had a bit of a wall up at first about a Catholic organization not to mention the fact that I didn’t know anything about St. Francis.
I really felt like God was softening my heart at the time and wanted to break down some of the walls I had built up in ignorance about the Catholic faith. The more I learned about what St. Francis and the Franciscans stood for-(radically walking out the gospel) it really rang true to what I believe. I won’t go into all the small details, but even after I had found the Franciscan Mission Service, I had many questions and some constraints. I thought it was unlikely that the Franciscan Mission Service would work out. I kept praying, “God close doors and opportunities that you don’t want for me and open doors and opportunities that you do want.” Well, the Franciscan Mission Service turned out to be a huge open door and it seemed to be so much from God. It was something I wasn’t expecting and to be honest was a little hardened to at first. God once again worked within me to show my hardness of heart and it was another opportunity for conversion towards Him and to release more of my sinful self. God has an amazing way of changing our hearts and bringing us closer to Him. So here I am, excited with the amazing opportunity that lies ahead, but most important, excited and filled with love for Him who sends me.
Hi Michael,
ReplyDeleteI met you at your send off Mass in Arlington a couple of months ago. I have been thinking about you and praying for you. Hope you are settling in.
Thank you for sharing your spiritual journey. I look forward to reading your experience with the Franciscan Mission. You are a true blessing.
God bless you, Kim Hauptman
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ReplyDeleteMy reminder came up on my phone about an hour ago that we are suppose to talk tonight. I know that that has changed since your now in another phase of your journey, but I have left the reminder on my calendar. Though I think of you often and talk with others that ask about you, I am leaving the reminder to give one more chance for me to think of you and offer up requests to our Lord who reigns on high; for the journey of which you walk with Him will be filled with all that He can bring to your life as you stay willing. As much as I wish you where somewhere where conversation could happen more often, I am grateful to God that He is leading you where His hand provides. Your journey shared is quite a tail of a provisional God who leads us as we are willing. May His face shine upon you as you walk this path and whatever trails or roads lead out from this one.
DeleteYour Friend Forever And Ever! jeff