Blog-End of Year Activities/Family
With the end of our basketball tournament, as well as the school year coming to a close, we decided to do something special with each of the teams participating (6) with our basketball program. We wanted to do something special for the kids, so they could finish the year in a fun way with motivation towards the future. At the same time, I also had the privilege of being able to receive the blessing of my parents arrival to Cochabamba, Bolivia to come visit me during the last two weeks of the year. With some help from family and friends, we planned out dynamic activities for each of the six participating teams (la escuela de basquét).
My parents arrived just in time for all the fun or chaos.-(depends on your perspective I guess) We had one day together to see lots of places and have good conversations with many great people that I have been able to know over the last couple years. We met my Bolivian family for a nice dinner of quinoa and a vegetable meat mix, which was very tasty. I was able to show them a (apoyo escolar) help center for kids with education that I volunteered at last year, as well as meet the great staff that so selflessly gives of their time, talent, and love. We were able to go on a little tour of the grounds at santa vera cruz, another work site for me where I worked with a basketball team with Hermana Juana-(Religious sister who volunteered with the basketball school) As well as, take some time to be out in nature and walk a trail next to lago angostura (lake) to enjoy good conversation and the beauty of nature.
On day two the activities began! With the help of my cousin Julie, we planned a challenge obstacle course where teams participated in various different challenges and fun activities. Our course was set up as followed....
Challenge 1-Ultimate Frisbee-two large laps around a designated course with your team-advancing only by throwing the frisbee.
Challenge 2-Human Knot-each teammate had a piece of small rope that they could not let go of-by use of communication and problem solving they had to try and form a knot over one of the pieces of rope.
Challenge 3-Basketball shooting contest-Each team had to make 5 shots from five different locations before they could move on to their next challenge.
Challenge 4-Hang 5-7 (depending on age group) nails over a stretched out piece of string-The nails had to be hanging/balancing all at the same time. This activity really tested patience, strategy, and a steady hand.
Challenge 5-Oreo Eating-Start with oreo laying on your forehead. Without using hands or physical help from a partner, move the oreo down your face to your mouth to eat.
Challenge 6-Noodle Pass-Teams had to form a line with each participant holding a straw in their mouth. They could only use the straws to pass the noodle down their line and into a container. Once 10 noodles were passed down the line and into the bucket they were able to move onto the next challenge.
Challenge 7-Rubber band shooting contest-knock down plastic cups off of a table by shooting rubber bands.
We had at least one adult with each team to make sure they were completing each of the challenges correctly and were not cheating. Each team started at a different challenge. It was a race to see which team could finish all of the different challenges first. Ready, Set, Lets Go...
After the race, we had pizza, drinks, snacks, as well as some prizes for the kids. We finished with some words of appreciation to them for their participation, as well as words of encouragement for the future. We had to end with one more game of basketball-they insisted-so we stayed and finished with basketball games. This was more or less the schedule with the two groups that we had, 8-11 boys and girls and 12-14 boys and girls. We mixed two teams together so they could participate with other kids their age as well as to have a bigger group=more fun atmosphere. We had between 25-30 kids for each of the two groups.
So now this left just two more teams...As we were planning our activities with the kids I noticed, as I was riding in public transportation, bill boards with Nick Vujicic on them saying that he was coming to Cochabamba to give talks. I have heard some of Nick`s talks on youtube and have been encouraged by his messages. Nick was born without arms and legs. His story can teach us, among many things, that with faith, a positive attitude, and lots of resilience, the only limitations that we have are the ones that we place on ourselves. Anything is possible. Impossible turns into-Im possible.
What an amazing opportunity to be able to finish the year. We went and listened to Nick talk about life, things that go beyond the game. We were able to get tickets to listen to him speak to an auditorium full of about 3 thousand, mostly middle and high school students. His message was powerful and encouraging to all who were present. I talked with the kids afterwards and they really enjoyed the experience.
My parents and myself teaching some kids at the education help center some chess |
My parents and myself in the community where the help center is located |
My Bolivian family with my parents and I |
Oreo Challenge |
Noodle Pass |
Human Knot |
Nail Hanging |
Rubber Band Shooting |
Frisbee Course |
My cousin Julie helping her team hail the nails |
Me explaining the basketball shooting challenge |
Basketball Team listening to Nick Vujicic |
Nick Vujicic |
Hermana Juana-Religious Sister Volunteer |